Macdonough Newsletter - 11/13/23
Middletown High Dosage Tutoring Grant Announcement
Macdonough Newsletter - 11.6.23
Macdonough Newsletter - 10/30/23
Macdonough Newsletter - 10/23/23
Reminder: Early Dismissal for ALL Students on October 17, 2023
Macdonough Newsletter - Week of 10/16/23
Middletown Crew at BOE Meeting 101023
Macdonough Newsletter - 10/9/23
Hispanic Heritage Community Celebration
Macdonough Newsletter 10/2/23
PowerSchool Student Attendance Postcards
Join us: Secondary Math Workshop on October 3, 2023
Macdonough Newsletter - 9.18.23
​ReSELience: Owning the Power of Your Story through Social-Emotional Learning (Parent & Community SEL Workshop)
Macdonough Newsletter - Week of 9.4.23
Macdonough Newsletter - Week of Aug 28
Macdonough Newsletter -  Week of June 12
Middletown Public Schools Celebrates 16 Graduating Seniors Having Achieved the Connecticut State Seal of Biliteracy